Message from Club Growth Director, Andy Hammond

New Clubs

A warm welcome to our three newest clubs, Google UK Speakers (Division C, Area 5), Clapham Connectors (Division H, Area 35), and Wellington Management London Toastmasters Club (Division B, Area 6). That takes us to seven new clubs so far, with a further thirteen pre-charter clubs, and more than twenty leads in the pipeline.


If you have an idea for a new club, or would like to know more about how to start a club, then please get in touch with me.



It is nearly time for members to pat their fees for the 1st April renewal. Just a reminder that for a club to remain in good standing requires at least eight member payments by 31st March 2017. And to have at least 20 members, or a net growth of at least five new members, to qualify for the Distinguished Club Program.

Last Updated on 23rd February 2017 by Helena Brewer