Trained to Lead Award – September 2021

Which clubs won the Trained to Lead Award in September 2021? Congratulations to the following clubs who have all won the Trained to Lead Award during the summer round of Toastmasters Leadership Institute / Club Officers Training (June – August) by getting all seven of the club officers trained

Early Payment Award – August 2021

Which clubs won the Early Payment Award in August 2021? Congratulations to the following clubs who have all won the August Early Payment Award by renewing more than 12 members until March 2022 by the end of August.

In the Footsteps of Champions

In the Footsteps of Champions Verity Price returns to Excalibur after winning the World Champion of Public Speaking 2021 In the Footsteps of Champions The meeting on 1st September became an outstanding and well-attended event. Toastmaster Ben Starling led a challenging Table Topics session designed to fire up our creativity. Then the traditional instant evaluations … Read more

Off to a Great Start – Some Great News

Off to a Great Start – Some Great News Many congratulations to the 25 clubs who have so far won the August Early Payment award! We already have 854 members registered as members until at least March 2022. Several clubs unfortunately missed out by registering 12 members. This is the third highest August membership payments … Read more