Beat the Stammer!

by David Creek

My Toastmaster journey is not typical. From the age of seven I developed a severe stammer, or stutter. When middle-aged I attended a series of intensive speech therapy classes covering a wide range of treatments, which were interesting at the time but unfortunately have had no lasting benefit. Two of my teachers, both American, recommended Toastmasters as being helpful so I joined Newbury Speakers Club. We are all aware that public speaking can be very stressful for some, giving rise to considerable anxiety. I eventually worked out that this was my main problem except that I would express it in stronger language. My stammer, according to me, is caused by the fear of saying certain words in certain situations. Having worked out the theory of what to do quite quickly, it has taken me a considerable time to put it into practice. Three years ago, I stopped attending Toastmasters thinking that now, being classed as elderly, I had probably reached my peak of fluency. No so, my speech continued to improve. In most everyday situations I now consider myself to be fluent, without stammering, if I take sufficient care. It is only public speaking that still causes me problems. I re-joined Newbury Speakers and have now given my third Icebreaker, this time on the Pathways track.

It is interesting to reflect on the changing composition of Newbury Speakers. When I first joined, the club was small in number and mainly made up of older members who enjoyed speaking as a hobby. Now the age span is younger and more career-oriented.

Yes, I’ve done it all, been on the committee, been President, spoken at contests, but now I favour the quiet life with just a bit more fluency and ease when speaking in front of people.

David is the longest serving member of Division A, having been a member of Newbury Speakers for 24 years

Let’s Celebrate!!

By Janet Alkema

Woking Speakers in Area 14 is a vibrant, busy and active club.  With a regular membership in the 30s, Woking is constantly attracting new members.  I was recently invited to share in their 12 and a half year anniversary celebrations – which, to be honest, I did think a little strange. At the same time, though, Woking was celebrating getting their ribbons back as they had disappeared with a previous committee member.  I realised then that, for Woking, any opportunity for a celebration is one worth taking – and this I believe has led to the strength and vibrancy of their club.  Every year, Woking finds reasons for celebrations to add variety to their meetings from piping in the Haggis on Burns Night to regular summer BBQs. Also, in the spirit of encouraging Pathways sign up and involvement, Woking President, Tugce Yilmaz told me that they celebrated the first three people who registered with Pathways, inviting them on stage to receive their Pathways Pins and copy of the Navigator. Tugce explains that Woking is a club where members are strongly connected, often meeting outside the club and she believes this is one of the main reasons for the club’s growth and success!

Logistics and Speaking

By Bob Nisbet

 Toastmaster member since November 1998 and President of Camberley Speakers, member of Guildford and Woking Speakers and District Logistics Manager since 2014, Bob is the most important person to invite to any contest, conference, workshop or training – with apologies to the Trio who thought they were 🙂  With Bob at the controls desk you can feel secure that the electronics will work – somehow – even though plans may need to be changed at the last minute! Bob has also featured in the Toastmasters magazine with a picture of him on holiday in Laos – and of course all Toastmasters have copies of the magazine wherever they are in the world!! This is what Bob has to say:

I am in my fourth year as Logistics Manager for District 91. This essentially means that I have space in the garage to store the District flag and banner plus a few other bits and pieces, like the big set of timing lights used at District contests.

The most obvious sight of me at Conference has been behind the sound desk. Over the years I have acquired a fair range of kit and I can cope with most things that events throw at me. But not always.

At the 2017 Gatwick Conference everything appeared fine until Aletta Rochat, the keynote speaker, took the stage. Every time she stood centre stage, her wireless microphone went dead! Somehow she got through her speech and as soon as she finished, Taz Miah and I started shifting the receiver to get a better signal. Nothing worked, and the speech contest was approaching. Plans to use wireless microphones for the contestants were abandoned and wired microphones rapidly set up in front of the stage. Luckily the cables were long enough and it all worked.

At the end of the Conference I mentioned what had happened to the crew who were de-rigging the stage. “It’s the wi-fi” came the reply. “It blots everything out.” Now I ask where the wi-fi hides, just in case!

TEDx and my journey

By Jenny Thomas

When I started re-training in 2016 to become a qualified Personal Performance Coach & NLP Practitioner, one of my biggest fears was public speaking. I knew I was going to need to beholding workshops and potentially presenting in corporate businesses and I knew I wasn’t that great at it! And for a Confidence Coach this was going to be abit of an issue! How was I going to be credible if I wasn’t confident myself?  A lovely lady I met at networking event told me about Toastmasters and invited me along to the next meeting to try it. I was nervous but it was such a welcoming group, that I felt ok with my jelly legs and shaky voice! I’ve been going for the last 18 months and each meeting has helped me grow a little more in confidence with my public speaking – the group is supportive, encouraging and provides constructive feedback which has helped my skills immeasurably. I’m well on my way to completing my CC level and even considering competitions now too! Thank you, Toastmasters!

Jenny Thomas, member of Farnham Speakers since September 2017 has just done her first TEDx talk atTEDx Telford – organised by Division J Area Director, Sam Warner. A TEDx event is one that many aspiring public speakers have on their bucket list. The opportunity presented itself earlier than expected for Jenny and she took to the stage at the end of September with a very real ‘Idea Worth Spreading’ called People Before Profits. Jenny describes below how Toastmasters helped her on her path to TEDx and became more confident in public speaking


By Nuala McHugh, Area 8 Director, Div B

As part of the initiative to strengthen the area and build stronger relationships, Area B8 has kicked off a new initiative for the Toastmasters 2018 – 2019 year; Megameetings. A Megameeting is where each club in the area host a special club meeting. This provides an opportunity where members across the area can make a special effort to both market and attend their neighbouring club.

Area B8 Area Director, Nuala McHugh, envisages many advantages to holding Megameetings in the area. For example, the audience would be bigger and the meeting atmosphere greatly enhanced. This will challenge members to conduct roles and speeches within a larger crowd environment with a set of new faces. Nuala also hope it will cement relations thereby bringing a greater community feel; engaging many new members who do not realise that there is a lot more to Toastmasters than their home club. We look forward to soaking up the vibes and the unique atmosphere that each club has!