My Journey to a Third DTM by Meg Heyworth

Less than 1% of Toastmasters members go on to achieve their Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM) award, so achieving three DTMs is indeed an amazing accomplishment. In this article, Meg Heyworth shares her journey to completing three DTMs.

I joined Toastmasters International in March 2002 at Brighton & Hove Speakers’ Club as my speaking skills were slipping through not using them. It was a very good way to get me back to speed with my speaking skills, however I also found that doing the manuals also helped me overcome my problems with Dyslexia and Dyspraxia both of which prevented me from giving good verbal interviews when applying for jobs.

My confidence improved and I really enjoyed watching other club members grow as a result of feedback and mentoring. When I moved away from Brighton I decided that rather than stop going to a club I would start one nearer to where I lived.

Eastbourne Speakers Club was chartered in January 2007 after 2 years of building club membership from nothing. This was an amazing chance to start earning awards towards a DTM.

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DLT Dispatches – October 2017

Pedro Casillas (District Director)

At the D91 Autumn Conference to be held at the Hilton Hotel, Gatwick Airport on 4 November, we will be holding our first District Council Meeting for the 2017-18 Toastmaster’s year (the agenda for District Council can be found on the D91 website).

The District Council is made up of Club Presidents, Club Vice Presidents Education, Area Directors, Division Directors and District Leadership Team members and its purpose is for the D91, District Leadership team (DLT) to share our plans and goals with members and to ask that they be accepted.  We will, for example, be presenting the D91 Budget, which we will be believe will help the whole of the District to continue to grow and prosper. Other items include a review of the District Success Plan and a chance to hear from all District Leaders.

Ahead of District Council we would like all Club Presidents to review all Agenda items and all the documentation which can be found on the link above so that you will have a better idea of what it is that you will be asked to vote on.

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The Results Are In – Divisional Contests

This page will show the results from the divisional Humorous Speech Contest and Table Topics Contest as they come to light.

Well done to all participants and congratulations to those going on to the District 91 contests on 4 November.




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Florian’s Vlog #2 – The Demo Box

In this little video Florian Bay, or Club Growth Director, shares with us his new Demo Box. it will be available from November to those setting up a Demo Meeting or an Open House.

Meet a Leader – Florian Bay

Florian Bay, our D91 Club Growth Director (CGD), is a true Franco-Brit – whilst he is French to the core he has fully immersed himself in his adopted homeland of “Dear Old Blighty”, including our culture, food and customs. Florian is the person most passionate about Toastmasters that I know, and he dedicates much of his time and effort to growing our organisation and motivating its members.


Where do you live and which club(s) are you a member of?

I came to the UK from France in 2005 and I currently live in Beckenham. I first joined Cheltenham Speakers and after moving to London, London Olympians and have been a member of four clubs at one time. Currently, I am the Treasurer at London Victorians (the club I set up in 2014), the VPE at St Pauls Speakers and President at Beckenham Communicators (presently a pre-charter club).

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