Become a better you! Become a District Leader next year!
“District Leadership gave me confidence” is what I answered when I was recently asked what becoming a District leader did to me. Stepping up to become Area Director, Division Director and later a member of the District Trio offered me plenty of opportunities to learn new skills, expand my comfort zone and become a more confident person. Opportunities such as:
- Leading our District of 180 clubs during a time of crisis.
- Organising several events, some attended by over a hundred people.
- Training hundred of our club leaders at Club Officer Training events and Toastmasters Leadership Institutes.
- Creating strategic plans to support the growth and excellence of our District.
- Working directly with fellow leaders within our clubs, our District and even internationally!
Thanks to these opportunities and all the doors they opened to me, I was able to overcome my shyness and some of the mental blocs I had in my life that prevented me from moving forward. The more I think about what changed inside me, the more I realise how these changes stemmed from the confidence I learnt as a leader in Toastmasters.
Would you like to become a better version of yourself?
Applications are now open for District Leadership roles for the next Toastmasters year, starting on July 1st 2021.
We’ve designed the application process to help you learn more about yourself as a leader and about the roles you’re applying for. What’s more, all candidates applying for a position will receive feedback on their performance on request. So what are you waiting for? Register your interest to step-up to become a better version of yourself right now.
Following on from our successful webinar in early December, another interactive webinar to help you learn more about District leadership roles has been organized for Sunday 17th January at 18h45. Register to the webinar to find out more about stepping-up to District Leadership.
Step-up to become a District Leader in 2021/22
Applications are now open for District Leadership roles for the next Toastmasters year beginning on July 1st 2021. Serving as a District leader is a unique opportunity to build up your leadership skills, lead and manage teams of people and gain recognition towards becoming a Distinguished Toastmaster.
The District Leadership Committee will be interviewing candidates for the following positions:
Positions on the District Leadership Team include Administration Manager, Finance Manager, Public Relations Manager, Club Growth Director, Program Quality Director and District Director.
To be eligible to serve as District Leader, any candidate must be a member in good standing of a club in good standing and have been a member of a club in District 91 for the past 12 months.
More information on specific eligibility requirements for each role can additionally be found on the Toastmasters International website.
How to apply
The first step will be to fill in the application form, give us some basic details about you and answer a few questions about your motivations and the role you’re applying for.
Candidates will then be invited to take part in a personality test, answer further questions and prepare a presentation ahead of an interview with members of the District Leadership Committee. The process is designed to help you learn more about your motivations as a leader, your leadership style and the role you are applying for.
Applications will be open until 31st January 2021.
If you’re keen to find out more about District leadership opportunities, join us for a webinar this Sunday from 19:00 with our Immediate Past District Director and a panel of past District leaders.