New Year – New Growth Opportunities

New Year – New Growth Opportunities New Year is a time for setting goals and making New Year Resolutions for many of us. As we start the second half of the Toastmaster year it is time to reflect on how much progress we have all made towards our end goals for the Toastmaster year. As … Read more

Corporate Club Officers Training November 2021

Winter Corporate Club Officer Sprint1st – 12th November 2021 Doors will open for all sessions at 11:50am UK time. Sessions start promptly at 12:05 and will finish by 13:00. Agenda Week 1 Monday 1st November 2021: Chairing a Business Meeting with Sarah Beckwith. Learn how to lead meetings effectively and make decisions. Tuesday 2nd November … Read more

Growth Opportunities Everywhere

Growth Opportunities Everywhere Welcome to our newest club Early September witnessed the charter of our newest club Epsom and St. Helier (ESTH) Hospital Toastmasters. Many congratulations and thanks to Aparna Sharma the new club’s President and to Varun Sharma the club’s co-sponsor for their hard work to ensure that the club charters in less than … Read more

To be or not to be the Club Coach

“To be, or not to be, that is the question” I was in the throes of moving from Yorkshire to Cornwall. Thrilled to discover there was a local Toastmasters club to which I could transfer. Imagine how disconsolate I felt when the President announced that the club could soon be folding. Oh no! The Area … Read more

What will your club look like in July 2021?

What will your club look like in July 2021? Fellow members, as we roll in to the final couple of months of this Toastmasters year, take a look at the faces of your club members at your next club meeting. Are they largely the same as they were a few months ago? To what extent … Read more