Club Renewals – 20 to 20 Challenge

Membership renewal season is now open and Toastmasters International is now taking payments for renewals.

This year our District 91 is launching the 20 to 20 Challenge. The first 20 clubs renewing 20 members can claim £50 from me, Florian Bay the D91 Club Growth Director, to organise a pizza party celebration for their members and guests.

Just imagine your usual vibrant club meetings with high calibre speakers, analytical evaluators and fun table topics with FREE pizza and refreshments on the top. Sounds amazing? You can make it happen!

I will contact winning clubs after March 15th with details on how to claim their rewards. Meanwhile here is what you can do to kick-start your club’s renewal process right now:

  • Make a “traffic light” list of your club members, identify in green members that are very likely to renew, in amber members that have not attended in a while and in red members who have already indicated that they will be leaving.
  • Start sending out renewal notices NOW and repeat this process every week via E-mail, WhatsApp messages, Texts and even phone calls if needed.
  • Prepare receipts for any members that would like one; you can download our template here.
  • Engage your entire club committee with the renewals process.

We are also organising a special How to RETAIN Your Members webinar at 8pm on the 4th March.

If you are a corporate club and need an invoice to pay your fees. We have created an easy to edit invoice template that can be downloaded here.

Who will our first 20 clubs to reach 20 membership renewals will be?
We’ll find out soon and I now declare the 20 to 20 challenge open!

Don’t forget Talk Up Toastmasters. All Toastmasters clubs in the world are now competing to gain the much coveted and prestigious the Talk Up Toastmasters Award during February and March. Only 5% of clubs worldwide earn this award, so by gaining it your club joins an élite made-up of the world’s finest and friendliest clubs!

Florian Bay
D91 Club Growth Director


Last Updated on 21st February 2018 by