Every Club Distinguished

This year we have a challenging goal for our district – Every Club Distinguished.

It’s a stretch, but it is achievable and you play an important part in making it happen. Not only that, you grow and develop your communication and leadership skills, and who knows where that will take you!

What is your educational goal for this year?

Perhaps you’re a new member and you’ve only just done your Icebreaker. You have time to achieve your Competent Communicator award this year. Just ask your Vice President Education to schedule you for a speech. Don’t wait until you’re scheduled to do a speech – write one now and have it ready, so if someone drops out at the last minute you can step up and deliver yours.

Achieving your Competent Leader award is a cinch – just volunteer to fulfill roles in your club meetings and make sure you fill out your CL manual.

Maybe you’re only a few speeches away from achieving your Competent Communicator. Did you know that the first two advanced manuals are complementary from Toastmasters International? Have a think about what you’d like to focus on next. The Entertaining Speaker and Storytelling is a great place to start and your first Advanced Communicator award is within reach.

If you’re serving as a club officer this year, your Advanced Leader Bronze award is easily achievable. All you have to do is make sure you get credit for your work this year and deliver two presentations from the Successful Club and/or Better Speaker programs. In fact, any club member can present these programs, and they will count towards your leadership award. There’s also the Leadership Excellence series. Each presentation offers excellent ideas and techniques for improving your speaking, your club experience and your leadership. To find out more, click here.

Which educational award will you aim for this year?


Last Updated on 1st August 2015 by