Alison Morris, District 91 Admin Manager 2018/2019 inspires us with her story
1. What has been your journey with Toastmasters?
I joined Thame Speakers in 1998 and have helped out at 2 District Competitions held by Thame Speakers. In 2015 I became a charter member of Stand and Deliver. To complete my DTM, I became Area Director and was asked to stand as Division Director the next year, which was ably contested but I managed to win through. This year, I have taken on the role of Administration Manager, excluding the IT role as this is something where my skills need further honing.
2. What prompted you to take up the responsibility in the District Leadership team?
I was asked and have not yet learned to say no.
3. What are the goals and challenges that you have set for yourself this year? How are they progressing?
To get things organised in advance, due to family pressure I have not been as good at this as I could have been but there are still a good few months to go to redeem myself.
4. Do share something about you outside the toastmaster world.
I have been a youth worker for over 30 years and am a first aid trainer, Education and training tutor.
5. How have you been able to transfer the skills acquired in Toastmasters to your career or business?
Very much so, I do a lot of presenting and having to deal with high brow people. Toastmasters has given me the confidence to do this and to even enter into small talk with people I have not met before, something I could never have done. Besides this, taking on District roles has helped me further.
6. Please share a takeaway message for toastmaster members who are not sure about taking up leadership roles.
If you are thinking of taking on a District role and are not sure if you could do it, as long as you do your best you cannot go wrong and the support you get from the District is amazing. If there is an opportunity, take it, you wont regret it and you will grow from it.
Last Updated on 11th November 2019 by Susan Rayner