New Beginnings workshop London

From Ram Maree, 1st London Toastmasters

new beginnings workshopNew to public speaking? New Beginnings workshop is for you!

This is a full day practical training session for beginners in public speaking. It’ll be a fully packed day with some experienced speakers who have put together content with the key objective of helping you improve your ability to speak confidently.

What will you learn at our New Beginnings Workshop?

Expect a day filled with energy and leanings. Our plan is to cover the topics below:
● Overcoming nervousness
● Increasing Voice projection
● Being more comfortable with Eye contact and Pausing
● Making Audience engagement effortless

Venue and other details

● Location : University of Law, 2 Bunhill Row, London EC1Y 8HQ
● Date/Time : Saturday 7 March 2015, 10.15AM – 4PM
● Workshop Contribution: £10
● Workshop trainers: Richard White, David Sterling, Catherine Pichant & Ram
● Organised by: 1st London Toastmasters supported by other clubs in Area 58

To register please go to:

Last Updated on 7th October 2020 by