Pathways Update
In the latest Pathways webinar, which I and your local Pathways Ambassadors joined, it was announced that the roll out schedule has been extended.
How does this impact on our District? What does this mean?
This means our Region (we are in Region 11), based on the revised schedule we will not now be getting Pathways until 2018.
The revised schedule for rollout is as follows*:
- Pilot District 51: mid-May
- Region 14 – target: late July
- Region 2 – target: mid-September
- Regions 6 & 7 – target: November
- Other regions – target: 2018
(*This is subject to change by TI)
Toastmasters has decided that whole Region roll outs will need more work than the pilot Districts, so have allowed more time for each. On that schedule, if there is a month gap between each roll out, we could be looking towards March 2018. The principle has always been to do it right rather than do it fast. This is subject to change, and we will keep you informed as details are shared with us.
Pathway Guides
Thank you for all that volunteered and put your names forward to become a Pathways Guide. It’s wonderful to have your support in advance. With the delay in the roll out, it means that the recruitment process for Pathways Guides is some way off. I will keep you on the list of prospective candidates unless you tell me otherwise, and will update you as and when we get any further information.
Any questions on Pathways contact your local Pathways Ambassadors or myself.
Thank you for your interest, and your patience
Andy Hammond
Pathways Chief Ambassador