Spread your wings! We’re a global family

Lyn Roseaman,  recently visited First Hanseatic Toastmasters club in Hamburg. As she says “this feels like a good moment for us all to remember that we are part of a global family.”

global family - Toastmasters

It was First Hanseatic’s Christmas party and they made me feel very welcome. We had plenty to eat (Asian) and drink (German), washed down with a hugely warm and friendly welcome and a healthy dose of table topics. The TT started with Christmas in various countries around the world … Sorry everyone, I did my “bah humbug!” impersonation. This was followed by a good old carols sing song and then a secret santa … with a difference. We ended up debating why we should keep our presents or swap them with someone else. Needless to say, I was busy hiding the chocolate gifts!!!

A big thank you to First Hanseatic und frohe Weihnachten one and all.

Next time you find yourself away from home, try and make time to drop into a local Toasrmasters club … you never know what delights might be waiting for you.

You can see more pictures on the clubs Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/First-Hanseatic-Toastmasters/111561948917396

Last Updated on 7th October 2020 by