The Revitalized Education Programme (REP)

From Sandra Lawes DT, D91 REP Chief Ambassador

The biggest & most exciting change in the history of Toastmasters

What is the Revitalized Education Programme (REP)?


In 2010, the Board of Toastmasters International took a massive decision – to revitalize the education programme. A dictionary definition of revitalization is ‘to restore vitality or animation’ – literally to give new life to something.

Why revitalize the education programThe current programme is good, but it is complicated and hard for new members and those outside Toastmasters to understand. If you need convincing, take a look at this diagram showing our current education awards!! And far too many members leave Toastmasters without gaining awards – so there’s certainly room for improvement!

Since the Toastmasters Board took that radical decision in 2010, a great deal of work has been done to identify the best elements within our current programme and bring them right up to date.

Club meetings will continue to be the core of the REP, and based on the organisation’s four guiding principles – experiential learning, self-paced learning, peer evaluation and mentoring – it will offer a mix of compulsory and elective projects, all using modern technology to give members the best possible learning experience.

When is the REP being introduced?

Development, testing and piloting will continue through 2016. Full details about the REP are not available yet, but we have already received very positive feedback from the 79 Districts that are piloting some of the content.

Once World HQ is confident that everything is ready, the REP will be rolled out with 10 Districts coming on line each month. We don’t know exactly when our District will ‘go-live’ with the REP, but if we are one of the first, by the start of 2017 we could be using the REP here in District 91.

Roll-out across the world will take around a year, and once the last District has ‘gone live’ with the REP the current and the new programmes will run in parallel for two full years. Then the current programme will be withdrawn.

All awards completed using the current programme will carry over to the members’ REP work. Most importantly, members will NOT lose any ground towards DTM after they change over to the REP.

What’s in the REP for you?

An impressive range of benefits including:

  • A competency based programme focused on your own individual objectives
  • Faster progress
  • A more consistent, high quality learning experience
  • More support and resources
  • Content relevant to the 21st century and the ‘real world’
  • Formalised mentoring
  • Inspiring new challenges for experienced members
How can you find out more?

An REP Ambassador has been appointed for each Area. Each Ambassador is visiting every club in their Area to give presentations explaining about the REP. They will also be providing updates and information as we receive it from World HQ.

We don’t know all the details of the REP as yet, but the REP Ambassador for your Area will be happy to find answers to your questions and feedback any issues or suggestions through me as your Chief REP Ambassador to World HQ.

You can find out who your Area REP Ambassador is by asking your Area Director or by visiting and clicking through to your Division and Area.

REP updates will be published in the District 91 newsletters and on the D91 website.  And further information will also be available on the Toastmasters International website – click the ‘Resources’ tab and then ‘Revitalized Education Programme’.

Exciting times ahead, so watch this space!


Last Updated on 7th October 2020 by