Wole Ososami – Candidate for Division Director

Wole Ososami – Candidate for Division Director

To All District Council members


Thank you for the opportunity to present myself as your candidate for the Division Director (Division K).

What makes me the ideal candidate for Division Director

There are three things that make me the ideal and promising candidate:

The first is my passion for Toastmasters International as evidenced by my dedication, full engagement and service in various roles since joining my local Toastmaster club, The Speakers of Croydon in April 2011. I have served my club as VPPR, VPE and President for full terms of 12 months in each office.

I have also served as Assistant Area Director for Area K35 and I am currently the Conference Director for District 91 Spring 2016 Conference.

Next is my passion for public speaking and leadership development.

I joined Toastmasters International to learn to speak in public and I continue to apply what I learn outside of Toastmasters International. I regularly speak within my church community and other places I am given the opportunity.

The opportunities provided by Toastmasters International empowers me and many others to discover the leadership potential that we have thus helping us make a difference within Toastmasters International, in our workplace and community.

I also curate a weekly blog that includes articles on public speaking and leadership.

Third is my passion for people

There is something about people that excites me. That’s why I get alongside people through coaching and mentoring to bring the best out of them. I do this consistently in my club through coaching and mentoring. I get alongside people at work to help them achieve their career goals. I also support individuals to achieve set goals in their personal lives.

If elected, what would be my key actions in the role?

  1. Provide strong support for new club planning across areas. The reason for this is that I have been a mentor to a pre-charter club that has great potential but remained pre-chartered for over two years.
  2. Encourage the sharing of best practices across areas so that more clubs can help their members reach their communication and leadership goals.
  3. Use coaching as a means of helping the Area Directors through the Distinguished Area Program which helps the division achieve Distinguished status and the district to achieve Distinguished status.
  4. To uphold and actively promote the ethos and general objectives of Toastmasters International.

Thank you for taking the time to read my profile.

I look forward to receiving your vote as the next Division Director of Division K


Wole Ososami



Last Updated on 18th May 2016 by