
Sponsor a new Member and win up to £30

To mark the 10th Anniversary of District 91 and the Centenary of Toastmasters International, we have a special incentive to mark both anniversaries!

To encourage members to become Brand Ambassadors and encourage members to invite friends to meetings, we are offering a £10 incentive voucher to clubs of members who sponsor new to Toastmasters members.

The maximum number of winners is 100. Once we have paid out 100 incentive awards, the incentive will close or it will close at the end of June 2024
whichever comes first.

To win, each new to Toastmasters member who is sponsored by an existing member will help their club win a £10 incentive voucher from District 91. A maximum of £30 (3 incentives) per club can be won and an existing member can sponsor a maximum of two new members.

How it works

To qualify, please take a screen shot or photograph of a new members application form and email it to the District Director by the end of June 2024.