The Net Awards 

(July 2023 to June 2024)

Net 4 Award

To encourage clubs to grow organically, we have kept the Net Growth Awards but with slightly modified targets.

The first 25 clubs who, by the 30th June 2024, achieve net growth of four new members from their 1st July 2023 base number will win £40 to boost club’s funds.

How it works

If your club has 20 members on 1st July 2023 then it must have 24 or more members on the 30th June 2024 to win the award. A club with 30 members on 1st July will need to have 34 members on the 30th June 2024.

Net 8 Award

The first 25 clubs who, by the 30th June 2024, achieve net growth of eight new members from their 1st July 2023 base number will win another £40 to boost club’s funds in addition to the £40 they had previously won for winning the Net 4 Incentive.

How it works

If your club has 20 members on 1st July 2023 then it must have 28 or more members on the 30th June 2024 to win the award. A club with 30 members on 1st July will need to have 38 members on the 30th June 2024.

Net 12 Award

The first six clubs who, by the 30th June 2024, achieve net growth of 12 new members from their 1st July 2023 base number will win £240 to boost club’s funds in addition to the £80 they had previously won for winning the Net 8 Incentive.

How it works

If your club has 20 members on 1st July 2023 then it must have 32 or more members on the 30th June 2024 to win the award. A club with 30 members on 1st July will need to have 42 members on the 30th June 2024.

Net 16 Award

The first six clubs who, by the 30th June 2024, achieve net growth of 16 new members from their 1st July 2023 base number will win £320 to boost club’s funds in addition to the £80 they had previously won for winning the Net 8 Incentive.

How it works

If your club has 20 members on 1st July 2023 then it must have 36 or more members on the 30th June 2024 to win the award. A club with 30 members on 1st July will need to have 46 members on the 30th June 2024.

Notification of Award

By Email from the District Club Growth Director (CGD) Mo Dawodu.

Who, How, and When to claim?

Who: The Club Treasurer

How: Via Concur with the District Finance Director.

By When: End of June 2024.How it works