I have waited so long for it to arrive! Pathways will launch on the 20th March in District 91! I was not initially chosen as a Learning Master, but 3 years ago I became a Revitalised Education Program (REP) Ambassador, as Pathways was called then. Since then I have become the K59 Pathways Ambassador, but often referred to as the “D91 Chief Pathways Guide” because of my experience and passion.
It was difficult to speak about Pathways all those years ago as not a lot of information was available. The first information came from F. Daniels at the Division B Conference, where we all cheered when he told us “no more CL manual and you will have access through internet in all your devices”.
When I heard finally that Pathways was in the pilot stage near Washington DC, where I first discovered Toastmasters, I joined a club with remote access and became a … full time Pathways addict. Over the past 11 months, I have become revitalised, doing what I was speaking about and also writing my blog about my experience through my paths.
Finally, Pathways is arriving in our clubs! Soon, all of us will be able to login to TMI, choose our first, free path of ten, and begin our journey. While we can do it in parallel with the existing programme, and wait for two years, we all should try it as soon as possible and join soon after 20th March getting directly onto Pathways. I did learn, if you are only one step ahead of others, you are looked on as an expert.
Our meetings will remain the same as our committees and roles, but we will have all access to online material and projects more related to today’s world. Learning by doing, as nowadays we also do in work.
“Change arrives. There are only two choices. Hold on and try to fight it, resist, and try to hold to what we have as long as we can. Or, decide to go with it, stand in front of it, and shape where it will go.” Justin Trudeau, Canada PM
What can you do already before the launch date, 20th March?
- Login to the TMI site, and taste the free available Pathways Icebreaker: the first project in all the path. The speak given and evaluated is valid after we get our path!
- Study, the different paths where they lead, choose where you would like to go rather so you know better the day you can choose your path. Read my blog, you’ll find a lot of information about Pathways and my experience!
I have finished 3 paths so far and, as I am “fulltime pathways passionate”, I am now working on 3 others, all at different stages (Level 1, Level 4, Level 5). While this is not at all typical, I share the tales of my experience through my blog.
I learned a great lesson these past months: if you are only one step ahead of others, you are looked at as an “expert”.
Division K, Area 59, Pathways Ambassador