Meet A Toastmaster: Chris Murphy

Meet A Toastmaster: Chris Murphy Table Topics and Evaluation Contest Winner Chris Murphy from Tunbridge Wells Speakers club won the District 91 Table Topics and also the District 91 Evaluation contest back in 2020.

Meet A Toastmaster: Beatrice Freeman

Meet A Toastmaster: Beatrice Freeman General Evaluator Champion Beatrice has been the General Evaluator 58 times, in 58 different Toastmasters meetings online and on stage. She shares her observations with you as one of the more experienced GEs.

New Year – New Growth Opportunities

New Year – New Growth Opportunities New Year is a time for setting goals and making New Year Resolutions for many of us. As we start the second half of the Toastmaster year it is time to reflect on how much progress we have all made towards our end goals for the Toastmaster year. As … Read more

Division J January Update

What is happening in Division J? Happy New Year from Division J! A special thanks to all the volunteers in and beyond Division J, Notably the hard working Area Directors Mike Weston, Enca Martin-Rendon, Charlotte Hitchings, DTM, Jackie Graybill and Mat Rizzo. Area J4 Area J7 Area J7 have been innovative with three stunning ways of … Read more

Education, Training and Contests etc

Education, Training, Contests and ETC Earlier this week, my Club President shared a New Year message with our club. It was clear that she had truly reflected on all that we had achieved in the first 6 months of the year. This included a shout-out for one of our contest winners, the incentives we have … Read more