How to Submit Club Officer Training Reports

Division Directors Submit Club Officer Training Reports

Now your Area Directors have delivered Club Officer Training in your division, you need to submit a report to Toastmasters International. This is required for your Area Directors to achieve Distinguished Area and for your clubs to achieve the Training DCP goal.

This page will take you through the process of submitting reports to Toastmasters International.

Step 1. Login to and go to District Central. Click on the Record/Review Club Officer Training link and you should see a page like this (click on the images to see bigger versions):


Ensure the correct period is selected from the drop-down menu then click Proceed.

Step 2. A screen like the following should be displayed. Scroll down to find the area whose training you wish to enter, then click on the club officer roles that attended training. Note that if one person fulfills two roles, then that counts as two officers trained. For example, if Elizabeth is both the Treasurer and Secretary, then you can check both the Sec and Treas boxes.

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The Road to Vegas: Erick Rainey Speech Masterclass 11 July

From Alex de Jong

**STOP PRESS!** We are delighted to announce Erick Rainey will be delivering his Winning Speech Contests Workshop at the 4 Toastmasters European District Champions event in London on Saturday 11 July 2015.

Winning Speech Contests



Erick Rainey is a successful speech competitor, having won 23 competitions and lost 7. He has twice made it to the final; once in 2005 (Toronto) and once in 2009 (Mashantucket). He placed 3rd on both occasions.

You’ll learn:
  • How to cultivate a winning mindset, keep cool under pressure and stay present and focused on stage,
  • The do’s and don’ts of practicing your speech
  • Where to extract quality feedback
  • What the best structure is for your 7½ minute timeline for writing your speeches

Whether you are planning on competing or not you will learn huge amount from this session. The workshop is loaded with invaluable tools and techniques for writing and practicing and delivering your speeches.

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Jean Gamester DTM District Director 2015-16

Jean_GamesterMy vision is for us to be collectively inspiring and supportive to all our members in 2015/16.

By doing this we will consistently perform as one of the top districts in the world: benefiting every club and helping members achieve their goals.

Toastmasters are experts at creating confident communicators. Let’s also focus our expertise on developing ourselves and each other into amazing leaders.

In practical terms this means sharing the best of what clubs and members do. This will develop an even stronger shared culture and a desire to take the leadership opportunities Toastmasters has to offer. I look forward to working with you all.

Here are the guiding principles and focus areas that will guide my work as District Director.

Direction and Planning

• Focussing on the long game – 3-5 years rather than just one year. Embedding what has been implemented in the past, ensuring the present is well taken care of and building strength for the future. Driving a culture where it’s expected that we will be a Presidents Distinguished District in 2015/16 and for the years that follow.
• Involving members and officers at all levels in planning and decision making. Working with them to make sure we are focussing on the right priorities so that members achieve their goals and clubs provide a brilliant learning environment. Learning from those within our district and beyond who are doing great things.
• Planning for growth – building on the great work of this year’s new alignment committee, shape the growth of the district for the long term. We will make sure we are ready to realign in a way that works for our clubs, areas and division, and ready to act when the next district reformation is required.

People & Leadership

• Developing a coaching culture where our leaders are empowering and supportive, where there is space to learn and experiment so our leaders can further develop their skills. A culture that understands that we are all volunteers and inspires us to get involved to develop ourselves and support our fellow members.
• Succession planning involving providing encouragement, development and recognition for people at all levels in the district so they develop the confidence and skills to take on new challenges, both in the short term and the long term.
• Providing opportunities for people to get involved – there are lots of ways for people across the district to get involved in driving our Toastmasters mission forward – we will raise awareness of those opportunities and provide support to help them be successful.

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