District 91 Autumn Conference

5 November 2016


Fellow members,

The District 91 Autumn Conference is now taking bookings. Full details of the event have been published on the District 91 website. d91-woking

This will be our first one day conference. It’s jam packed with workshops, a keynote, contest finals and our District Council Meeting. You’ll need to purchase a Daytime Ticket to attend. However remember that attending the District Council Meeting is FREE.

Once the day ends, the night begins. This is when dinner and dancing will take place. To attend, purchase an Evening Ticket.

The venue is the Double Tree by Hilton in Woking. If you wish to stay at the hotel, you book directly with them. Rates have been agreed, do mention when you’re booking that you’ll be attending the Conference.

Details on our handy flyer too Conference Information

Information has been shared on our Facebook page Toastmasters International UK & Ireland and on Twitter @ToastmastersUKI.

Pedro Casillas Program Quality Director
Pedro Casillas
Program Quality Director

Our very own Program Quality Director, Pedro Casillas has taken on the role of Conference Director.

The conference team would welcome support from members. There’s plenty of opportunities for you to get involved.  Volunteers to help during the conference are always welcomed, please make yourself known to the team in advance.

News from PR Manager – Helena Brewer

The great thing about Toastmasters is that when you ask for help and support you receive it and so much more.

Helena Brewer PR Manager
Helena Brewer
PR Manager

I’ve been approaching members about writing articles for the newsletter and sharing experiences for our external PR activities. Even though we’re all part of a communications organisation, the written word is proving to be a new challenge. The response has been amazing, thank you.

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News from Program Quality Director Pedro Casillas

Pedro Casillas Program Quality Director
Pedro Casillas
Program Quality Director

Following a second round of DOT (District Officer Training), I am pleased to report that 99% of Division and Area Directors have attended Toastmasters education. A fantastic turnout!

Division Directors and Area Directors have been busy setting up COT (Club Officer Training, which will complete on 31 August

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The Road To Washington

Alex De Jong
Alex De Jong

On Saturday 23 July there will be four International Speech District Champions, two Eye-Opening Workshops, plus a feedback session with the best of Toastmasters straight to you!

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D91 International Speech & Evaluation Contests Winners

Following a very successful District 91 Londinium Spring Conference this weekend, congratulations to the inaugural winners of the District 91 International Speech and Evaluation Contests 2016.

International Speech Winners:Winner Speech Contest 3

1st:  Thien Trang Nguyen Phan

2nd:  Andrew Osayemi

3rd:  Donald Mavunduse

Thein, with her speech ‘Cut It Out’, will go on to represent District 91 at the International Speech semi-finals at Washington DC in August.  We wish her every success.

The mystery speaker was Graham Frost with a speech entitled ‘The Jacket That Changed My Life’.

Evaluation Contest Winners:IMG_1723

1st:  Ga Lok Chung

2nd:  Chris Boden

3rd:  Meenakshi Nayar