It is hard to believe that in a couple of days I’ll be District Director for District 91! I am immensely grateful for the trust that members and leaders from London to Ludlow and Cornwall to Millwall have placed in me to lead you to success in the coming year. Little did I know when I joined six years ago that my Toastmaster journey would be one of leadership in addition to public speaking.
As a new year is beginning, my message to all leaders in the District is very simple, let’s grow forward together and fulfill our vision of 1 – 70 – 100.
Why do we want every member in the District to achieve an award every year? Because it is a sign that each and every single of our members is supported to achieve excellence and personal growth.
Why do we want to achieve 70% retention each year? Because we want our members to stay with us for at least 3 years so that they can blossom anew.
Why do we want every club to have at least 20 members? Because we want our members to have an audience to cheer them up and a support network within their clubs.
A lot of planning already took place at the District level and all the initiatives for the year ahead are ready to go. Our incentives board has even morphed into a fun board game that I hope many of you will get to play in the coming months.

Do you want to collect them all? You can if you plan for it! This is why writing a club success plan is so important. By planning ahead, you can decide early on what you need to do to achieve excellence and help your members grow forward together.
Last Updated on 7th October 2020 by Susan Rayner