Meet the District Leadership Team for 2018-2019

Andy Hammond – District Director

I joined Toastmasters 17 years ago, in January 2001. I have held continuous membership since then, and took out dual membership of County Communicators, the club I founded, in 2009. I have served in every Club Officer role except VP Membership, although I am not sure how I missed that one! I have also served at every District Officer level so far. In addition, I have served as Conference Director, and Pathways Ambassador.

I am fully committed to the Toastmasters Core Values because they reflect my own approach to life. I always try and lead by example and expect the same of others on the team. Demonstrating integrity through transparency of decisions, and being honest enough to say “I don’t know” or “I got that wrong”; respecting different views and being willing to learn from others; always remembering the principles of servant leadership; and setting the highest standards of excellence, and making that the norm.

Florian Bay – Program Quality Director

I joined Toastmasters in April 2013 and became a very active member after moving to London to Autumn 2013. My home club is London Victorians which I founded with Terry Pullin and Fahad Alturkait in Autumn 2014. I became a Distinguished Toastmaster in June 2016 and I’m now currently working on Pathways ‘Strategic Relationships’ learning path in order to become more confident in building strong and mutually beneficial relationships with peers and colleagues. One of my objectives as incoming Program Quality Director is to equip our clubs with easy to use tools to enabling them to achieve excellence by retaining and growing their members.

Arnaud Sartre – Club Growth Director

I joined The Toasted Sandwich Toastmasters Club on 1st April 2013 and recently became a Club Coach and member of Kent Speakers Club based in Maidstone. Over the next 12 months, I plan on completing my DTM whilst engaging in the Pathways program (Dynamic Leadership and Effective Coaching paths). I love visiting Clubs, meet new members and learn how we adapt our program to fit our unique Club cultures. I will be thrilled to visit your Club – send me an invite 🙂 As Club Growth Director, my primary focus will be to provide the tools, support and guidance needed to build successful and long lasting Clubs. I will also be revising our marketing plans and support networks – more on this in the next few weeks.

Violet Karamagi – Finance Manager

I joined Toastmasters in February 2015 and my home club is Speakers of Croydon. I served as Club Treasurer for 2 years 2015-16 and 2016-17. I have served as the Club President for Toastmaster year 2017-18, and will therefore be the Immediate Past President for 2018-19. My ambition is to carry on the great work that Beauty has started, especially with the roll out of Concur, the new expenses system. I am a Chartered Certified Accountant and I have worked in both the public and private sectors for over 10 years. I currently run my own business alongside looking after young family.

Seema Menon – Public Relations Manager

I joined Toastmasters in 2014 and am a member of Harrovians Speakers Club. I have been the president, Treasurer of my club and more recently an Area and Division Director. My ambitions are to work collaboratively with the District team to fulfil the PR objectives by creating an involved team and support the clubs achieve their PR objectives. All this while stretching myself out of my comfort zone and further developing my leadership skills.
I would love to continue giving back all the learning I have imbibed from Toastmasters.

Alison Morris – Administration Manager

I have been a member since Feb 1998, my home club is Thame Speakers and I am also a charter member of Stand and Deliver, married to John Morris (we met through Toastmasters). I am a self-employed bookkeeper and a volunteer with the Army Cadet Force since 1984 and currently am part of a National First Aid Training Team as an Administrator and Lead Internal Quality Assurer of First Aid and Education and Training Courses and through this I have managed to complete my education with a BA Hons. I am also Secretary to the County Army Benevolent Fund and County Army Cadet League, both of which are volunteer roles also. I have been awarded the MStJ (equivalent to an MBE) for my services with St John Ambulance.

My ambitions for the year are to build on the excellent work done by Paul and to serve the members by keeping them informed of upcoming events and their role in these and of course to support the District Executive. Ultimately to prepare succession planning for the following year and hopefully set up an admin manual.

Pedro Casillas – Immediate Past District Director

I live in London and I’m a member of Grosvenor Square Speakers, the first club to be set up in London; I have been a member since 2002. I wanted to experience what it would be like to be able to speak in front of any size audience on a topic of my choice. My expectations have been met many times over. We are in a wonderful District with members who inspire and go out of their way to assist others. I have learned over the years, that the more I put into Toastmasters, the more I get out. And it is and will be the same for all other members – get involved!

Last Updated on 23rd May 2018 by

1 thought on “Meet the District Leadership Team for 2018-2019”

  1. Best wishes to all new D91 Leaders for the new TM year beginning on 1st July 2018.
    All being well I will see some of you in Chicago during August 2018

    (Division C Director for 2017-2018),

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