District Conference- Southampton 5-7 May 17
Richard Blackman and team are doing a fantastic job in preparing for the D91 Spring Conference in Southampton. If you haven’t already seen it, check out their fabulous promotional video:
URL: http://springconference91.org/conference-programme/
Sneak preview: Yoga Laughter; Plotting your Pathways; keynotes and workshops given by International President, Mike Storkey; special guest, World Champion of Public speaking 1995, Mark Brown….and much more! See you there!
VIP Visitors
Toastmasters International President, 2016-17, Mike Storkey
Every 7 years or so, the Toastmasters, International President visits our Region. This year, will be the first visit by an International President to District 91. We are very much looking forward to hosting Mike Storkey from 1 – 10 May. The full schedule will be posted on D91 website in a couple of weeks. We have managed to arrange for him to visit 6 out of our 7 Divisions! So, there will be many opportunities for all our Toastmasters in D91 to see him live.
International President, Mike Storkey (https://www.toastmasters.org/About/Board-of-Directors/Current-board-of-Directors), was born in Cardiff, then spent his youth in Twickenham, before leaving for Australia from Southampton – Mike hasn’t been back since 1974…..So, this will be an opportunity for Mike to see these places via Toastmasters!
World Champion of Public Speaking, 1995, Mark Brown
In collaboration with Districts 59 and 95, WCPS, 1995, Mark Brown will be at D91 Spring Conference in Southampton delivering a Keynote, entitled: “THE GREAT ADVENTURE” and workshop (“YOUR CHAMPIONSHIP SEASON”. Definitely, not to be missed.
For full details, see: http://springconference91.org
Judges & Competition preparation training
In February 17, Andy O’ Sullivan again ran two education workshops in London: ‘How to be a Chief Judge’ and ‘How to run a Competition‘. Both events were enthusiastically received by all who attended and helped them in their preparations for the spring competitions. We will be looking to run these again during the autumn competitions season.

Program Quality Director
Trainers Bureau
During February, Elizabeth Toohig, ran part two of the ‘Speaker to Trainer’ workshop in Taunton. The event was very well run and received by all participants. Elizabeth is currently working with Division Directors to put on events throughout the District.
The Trainers Bureau pages on D91 have been updated. IF any member would like to be involved in offering workshops, please get in touch with Elizabeth via D91 website.
Last Updated on 7th October 2020 by Helena Brewer