PR Awards

PR Manager
Congratulations are due to all the clubs that were nominated for PR Awards this year. Thank you to all that took the time to nominate the clubs for the PR Awards. Reading and reviewing the reasons for nominations gave a small insight into the range of activity, the hard work and fun that you are all having. From charter dinners, annual dinners and anniversary dinners, a definite foodie theme over in Division J!
I was not able to attend all the Division Contests to present the awards, I’d like to thank the members of the District Leadership Team that did so on my behalf.
To all the award winners, I would like to congratulate all the clubs that received an award by way of recognition of your PR achievements. Some clubs were genuinely shocked to receive an award. Your hard work, effort and time has been recognised. No surprise that some clubs posted on Facebook a photo of them with their certificate. I understand there was a water spillage incident on one of the certificate’s, during the post award celebrations. A new certificate will find its way to you.
From now to the end of June, there’s plenty of opportunity to get involved and build on the PR endeavours so far. The level of media engagement across the District has been amazing, may this continue. Local TV is a great vehicle to raise your clubs profile and Toastmasters International generally. If you have a local TV channel in your area, contact them. On the back of our Talk Up Toastmasters push for radio interviews, so many of you have taken up the challenge. I’ve enjoyed hearing from you about your experiences.
Regularly sharing Facebook and Twitter posts. It a small thing, for members and clubs to do, yet the impact is huge. The levels of interest and messages received on the back, means that we are reaching way beyond the UK and Ireland. The Spring Conference promo is a fantastic example of this and has had a massive reach on social media. I congratulate the conference PR team for all their hard work on this and to all involved with both in the production and the performing side, taking them beyond their comfort zone.
If you are considering joining your club committee and the VPPR role is available, I say, go for it. You’ll surprise yourself on what you can achieve.
Keep up all your hard PR work, I look forward to you sharing your experiences. Article writing at the ready.