Busy, Busy, Busy.
There’s already been a flurry of activity across the District in 2017. From the mouths of members, it’s ‘are you entering the contests?’. There’s a definite buzz as clubs set contest dates and members prepare to enter. The articles from members this month reflect experiences of entering contests, even though they’d not been a member of Toastmasters all that long. Remember that you can support by offering to take a role at contests too. Articles on this will follow over the next couple of months. Keep your stories coming, share your experiences with fellow members.
All speakers want is an audience. As members support the contestants by being their audience. Contests are a showcase; a great opportunity invite guests back and bring friends along. As Talk Up Toastmasters commences on 1 February to 31 March, why not use the opportunity as a member drive?
With the contest season, soon to be upon us, there’s a wealth of workshops being held across the District. I attended the ‘5 Steps to Take Giant Strides in Competition Speaking’ presented by past winners at District level, Bob Ferguson and Simon Bucknall. A very engaging workshop, full of details based on their personal experiences, very insightful (Bob likes spreadsheets) and great tips to take away. Many thanks to Excalibur Speakers for hosting an excellently organised event.
It’s not just speech workshops, there’s evaluation events too.
30 January – Evaluation Workshop presented by Lynne Cantor is an Area 56 event open to all.
Clubs are organising events locally too, do check what’s happening if not at your club, nearby. If you live near Hatfield, whilst this is over the District border line this event maybe of interest:
4 February – ‘Your path to a winning speech’ presented by Bob Ferguson and Kevin Lee
The District Chief Judge, Andy O’Sullivan is holding two events: –
7 February – Organising a Contest
14 February – Judging workshop
What are you doing in May? Our District Spring Conference, Mayflower, details are now available. The District Executive Committee will meet on 5 May, before the conference commences on 6 May through to 7 May. Booking is now open.
As it’s the new year, it’s timely to check that your details are correctly held by Toastmasters International. The website that you access your details, records of your educational awards and offices held, is Toastmasters.org

PR Manager
Take the time to login and go to the My Toastmasters tab and check. If you’ve not logged in for a while and forgotten your password, you can reset it. If you’re unsure, need help, etc… your club committee will be able to assist.
Last Updated on 26th January 2017 by Helena Brewer