How to Submit Club Officer Training Reports

Division Directors Submit Club Officer Training Reports

Now your Area Directors have delivered Club Officer Training in your division, you need to submit a report to Toastmasters International. This is required for your Area Directors to achieve Distinguished Area and for your clubs to achieve the Training DCP goal.

This page will take you through the process of submitting reports to Toastmasters International.

Step 1. Login to and go to District Central. Click on the Record/Review Club Officer Training link and you should see a page like this (click on the images to see bigger versions):


Ensure the correct period is selected from the drop-down menu then click Proceed.

Step 2. A screen like the following should be displayed. Scroll down to find the area whose training you wish to enter, then click on the club officer roles that attended training. Note that if one person fulfills two roles, then that counts as two officers trained. For example, if Elizabeth is both the Treasurer and Secretary, then you can check both the Sec and Treas boxes.



Step 3. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the Submit for Processing button. You must do this to ensure your report is submitted. If you have any changes or deletions to make, you will have to email Toastmasters at the address given below. You can add more officers at a later date if they attend a training session in a different area.


Last Updated on 19th August 2015 by

2 thoughts on “How to Submit Club Officer Training Reports”

    • Division Directors actually input the officers trained. It’s good for everyone to see how it’s all done though 🙂

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