What is a member mentor?
A mentor takes a personal interest in, and helps, an inexperienced person, by offering knowledge, insight, perspective, or wisdom. Most new members are not familiar with your club. They don’t know what a timer is or what an Ah-Counter does. Yet new members are expected to participate and give speeches – something many are terrified of doing. Some clubs expect them to do all of this with a minimum of instruction and guidance. Some clubs have mentoring programmes which give new members a much better experience. New members need someone to explain the program to them and show them how to prepare for various meeting roles. They also need help preparing and rehearsing their first few speeches. Mentors can supply the valuable personal attention and ongoing support that new members need.
Reap the benefits
Benefits of mentoring for new members
- Learn the programme and club customs (Pathways, club meeting roles, membership opportunities)
- Develop confidence and improve participation in club activities
- Quickly learn speaking skills to advance faster
Benefits of mentoring for experienced members
- Refine and revitalize existing skills
- Learn new skills
Benefits for mentors
- Learn new information and perspectives from those you mentor
- Keep your knowledge and skills sharp
- Receiving recognition and appreciation by fellow members
Benefits for clubs:
- Improved member retention
- More satisfied members
Adding this to your club’s advantages is easy! Conduct The Successful Club Series presentation titled Mentoring and teach your club what it takes to become a mentor.
You can also find an excellent article Five Tips for Mentors here.