Webinars for Members

District 91 is well known for putting on fantastic webinars to support our membership. Not only do webinars provide an opportunity for our members to learn, but members can challenge themselves to host webinars – a fantastic way to challenge yourself as a speaker and a leader. Contact the Program Quality Team if you’d like to host a webinar!

This Year

How to run a contest
Our Chief Judge, Arnaud Sartre, explains in detail all we need to know about running a contest, and competing in a contest, at Club, Area and Division level. Arnaud will show us how to put in place the best possible organisation for all of our members to compete and judge most effectively.

See webinars on Pathways, Membership Growth, VPEs, Club Coaching, etc. on the District 91 YouTube Channel.

Do you want to deliver a webinar? We are always looking for hosts to run useful training topics. Contact the Program Quality Team to discuss.

Webinar Playlist

Marketing and Club Growth

District 91 Conferences

Recordings are available from past District 91 Conferences!  These include keynote speeches, workshops, contests and more! Check them out below.

Keep up to date with the District 91 Conference Page to find out how you can see the next District conference LIVE.

Everything is Possible

Learn, Grow, Inspire Together

Thriving in Change