Evaluation 2022/23 Contest Winner
Sylvia Lobo
A short interview with our 22/23 Evaluation Speech Contest Champion
How do you feel about winning? Did you celebrate?
Honestly a mix of feelings: Surprised to have won as I know and have learned from some of my competitors over the years; elated – I last made a District Final for evaluation the year in the final year of D71; touched by the unsolicited feedback from conference attendees and inspired to pursue the other contests. A gentle celebration as I forgot which pub everyone was going to after the interview! I look forward to celebrating with family, friends and most especially Toasted Sandwich.
What have you learnt competing in this D91 contest?
As a contestant to enjoy the moment! I plan to look at the recording to learn from others. As speaker 6, I was blind to my predecessors and for Sarah and Monika whom, I did witness, could not fully focus (the usual what did I miss… and I did miss things). There is a lot that needs to happen logistically, allow good time and trust the fab people around you to manage those headaches for you.
What would you say to others thinking of competing?
Competing causes us to raise our game, test and temper ourselves – the essence of being a Toastmaster. JFK observed “Every accomplishment starts with a decision to try.” Even if only to decide that competing is not for you after giving it a go (or several goes), the experience will enrich you. It may feel uncomfortable at the time….but it will certainly add more threads to your Toastmaster’s tapestry and you are always amongst friends – yes even the other competitors.