Get Going with Pathways! – Update February 2018

The new Pathways education program is nearly here! With a planned launch date of 20th March now is the time to start your preparations so that you are ready to take advantage of the many wonderful new opportunities that will be available to you.

Every club in the District is being visited by a Pathways Guide who will explain the new program to members and tell them about the support available after roll-out. To see a schedule of the club visits go to our website page.

Your first action is to make sure you have logged in to the Toastmasters International website and have your password, or you will not be able to access Pathways. Simply go to the login page. If you don’t have a password yet or have forgotten it simply click on “forgot password?”.

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Pathways Update – January 2018

We now have a target launch date for Pathways in District 91 – 20th March 2018!

The reason I say “target” launch date is because we first have to provide members with pre-launch information. Your club will be getting a visit from one of our excellent Pathways Guides and Pathways Ambassadors in the coming weeks to deliver the club’s roll out kit and show members how to access Pathways. We have to complete at least 70% of those club visits to trigger the launch.

Look out for details of your club’s Pathways visit, and in the meantime have a look at the information on our D91 website and on the Toastmasters International website.

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Pathways Update, Chief Ambassador, Andy Hammond

Pathways Update

In the latest Pathways webinar, which I and your local Pathways Ambassadors joined, it was announced that the roll out schedule has been extended.

How does this impact on our District? What does this mean?

This means our Region (we are in Region 11), based on the revised schedule we will not now be getting Pathways until 2018.

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Looking for a new challenge? Consider being a REP Ambassador

Calling all Experienced Toastmasters – looking for a new challenge?

Toastmasters Where Leaders Are MadeLike to be the first to know about exciting new opportunities?  Then this is your chance to become an Ambassador for the Revitalized Education Program (REP) – the biggest and most important change to the Toastmasters education program in our history.

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The Revitalized Education Programme (REP)

From Sandra Lawes DT, D91 REP Chief Ambassador

The biggest & most exciting change in the history of Toastmasters

What is the Revitalized Education Programme (REP)?


In 2010, the Board of Toastmasters International took a massive decision – to revitalize the education programme. A dictionary definition of revitalization is ‘to restore vitality or animation’ – literally to give new life to something.

Why revitalize the education programThe current programme is good, but it is complicated and hard for new members and those outside Toastmasters to understand. If you need convincing, take a look at this diagram showing our current education awards!! And far too many members leave Toastmasters without gaining awards – so there’s certainly room for improvement!

Since the Toastmasters Board took that radical decision in 2010, a great deal of work has been done to identify the best elements within our current programme and bring them right up to date.

Club meetings will continue to be the core of the REP, and based on the organisation’s four guiding principles – experiential learning, self-paced learning, peer evaluation and mentoring – it will offer a mix of compulsory and elective projects, all using modern technology to give members the best possible learning experience.

When is the REP being introduced?

Development, testing and piloting will continue through 2016. Full details about the REP are not available yet, but we have already received very positive feedback from the 79 Districts that are piloting some of the content.

Once World HQ is confident that everything is ready, the REP will be rolled out with 10 Districts coming on line each month. We don’t know exactly when our District will ‘go-live’ with the REP, but if we are one of the first, by the start of 2017 we could be using the REP here in District 91.

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