Dear DLT, Division Governors, Area Governors, Club Presidents and VPEs
Here is the final information for the council meeting this Saturday 9 May 2015:
1) Attached are the amended documents ref the Alignment, and also the District Financial Report for March plus the Available Funds document. Division_B_2015-16_Alignment_Proposal_for-DC_v02; Division_K_2015-16_Alignment_Proposal_vf; Div_L_Alignment_Proposal_final; D91_March_Report_2015; D91_Available_Funds_31st_March_2015
If you have any comments or objections to these documents, please let me know by close of Thurs 7 May 2015.
2) If you cannot make the meeting, please send in any apologies, by close of Thurs 7 May 2015.
3) Members who have passed away – please send me the details (name, club and any background) by close of Thurs 7 May.
Here is the original email with all the details:
You are invited to attend the District Council Meeting on Saturday the 9 May 2015 at 11.05am at The Grange City Hotel, 8-14 Cooper’s Row, London EC3N 2BQ. (*All members are most welcome to attend*, but voting is restricted – please see below).
Members of the District 91 District Council are Club Presidents, Club Vice Presidents Education, Area Governors, Division Governors and District Leadership Team members.(Assistant division governors and assistant area governors are copied in for information only. They are most welcome to attend but will not be able to vote).
Proxy voting: In order for our District Council to conduct business, there needs to be a quorum of a third of all Club Presidents and Vice Presidents Education (VPEs). Therefore it is really important that each President or VPE either attends or looks for a member in good standing from their club to carry their vote (a proxy). If you are sending a proxy, please complete the form Proxy_Form_Spring_2015 and give it to the person you want to carry your vote. Note that other District Council members cannot send a proxy, just club Presidents and VPEs.
The proposed meeting agenda: Is attached D91_District_Council_Agenda_20150509_v1 along with supporting documents, the proxy form, and the additional documents already described:
• Previous meeting minutes (from the Brighton conference Nov 2014) 2014_11_01_COUNCIL_MINUTES-2
• Nominations Committee Report District 91 Nomination Committee Report 2015
• 2014/15 Mid-Year Audit Report Mid_Year_Audit_final_20150314
• Motion: Autumn District 91 Conferences Motion_Autumn_Conferences
Registration: All members of the District Council who plan to attend the Council Meeting must register with the District Parliamentarian at the credentials desk in advance of the Council Meeting. All proxy holders must present their proxies in paper form (ie. print out and complete the attached proxy form) for validation at the credentials desk.
Motions: The District Executive Committee will prepare motions to be presented to the Council (7:15pm for 7:30pm Friday 8 May at The Grange City Hotel).
The Conference: The Spring Conference is in the heart of London at The Grange City Hotel. If you’ve haven’t already booked, visit
I look forward to seeing many of you soon.
Best wishes,
Susie Bloor
District 91 Secretary Click here to email Susie