Elective Roles 2024/2025

Our District Leadership Committee Needs you!

District 91 elects our Area Directors. In December 2022, the District Executive Committee agreed the deadline for Area Director elections to take place for the 2023/24 program year is midnight, London time on Friday 28th April 2023. Four weeks written notice must be provided to the Area Council of the date on which the elections will take place.
The minutes/results of the election are to be emailed to current District 91 Director, Rupa Datta, as soon as possible after the event has taken place – rupa@d91toastmasters.org.uk
 The District Leadership Committee will not be interviewing Area Director candidates however are happy to answer any questions about the process. More information about Area Leadership can be found here – Area – Toastmasters UK South – District 91 Members

Our amazing organisation is helping you learn and practice communication and leadership skills. As you progress on your journey, you may have already taken on Club leadership roles, supported contests and training events. Now is the time to think about the next step in your Toastmasters development.

The application process for Program Year 2023/24 District Leadership elective roles (District Director, Program Quality Director, Club Growth Director and Division Director) is now open.
  • 5th December 2022 – Call for candidate declarations
  • 5th March 2023 – Deadline for nominations
  • 6th to 19th March 2023 – window for interviews
  • 1st April 2023 latest – DLC notifies District Director of nominated candidates
  • 15th April 2023 latest – DLC report and biographical forms emailed to District Council members and posted on District website
  • 13th May 2023 – Annual Meeting of the District Council
Below are several links to supporting documents as well as the application process to be completed by 5th March 2023.
All applications must be emailed to me:
Helena Boden-Brewer DTM helena@d91toastmasters.org.uk (Immediate Past District Director/D91 District Leadership Committee Chair 2022/23) and
Andy Hammond DTM  andy@d91toastmasters.org (Past District Director/DLC Co-Chair)
Useful documents to review

I look forward to receiving your application!

Helena Boden-Brewer DTM

Immediate Past District Director, District Leadership Committee Chair

*The roles of District Finance Manager, District Administration Manager and District Public Relations Manager are appointed by the incoming District Director. The DLC will take expressions of interest to pass on but will not be interviewing candidates for these roles.